Friday, May 4, 2012

Yawmul Qiyaamah

Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger

Al-Qariah, Al Qariah- the striking hour , the striking hour
The day of Regrets, where everyone will regret the things they done in the dunya
The Evitable day -The day when the earth will crush, the sea will overflow, the stars will fall from the sky 
Yawmul-Hasrah Day of Distress
Yawmul Haqq- Day of Truth
Yawmul Maw’ood- Promised Day
Yawmul Jam’i – Day of Gathering
Yammul-Qiyaamh –Day of resurrection

On the Day when every soul will come disputing for itself, and every soul will be fully compensated for what it did, and they will not be wronged. (An-Nahl 16:111)

And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied about Allah [with] their faces blackened. Is there not in Hell a residence for the arrogant? (Az-Zumar 39:60)

O mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed, the convulsion of the [final] Hour is a terrible thing. On the Day you see it every nursing mother will be distracted from that [child] she was nursing  ,and every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy, and you will see the people [appearing]intoxicated while they are not intoxicated; but the punishment of Allah is severe. (Al-Hajj22:1-2)

On the Day a man will flee from his brother, And his mother and his father, And his wife and his children. Everyman, that Day, will have enough to make him careless of others.(‘Abasa 80:34-37) 
And you will see every nation kneeling [from fear]. Every nation will be called to its record[and told], "Today you will be recompensed for what you used to do. This, Our record, speaks about you in truth. Indeed, We were having transcribed whatever you used to do."(Al-Jaathiyah 45:28-29)
Indeed, We  have  warned you of a near  punishment on the Day when a man will observe what his hands have put forth and the disbeliever will say, "Oh, I wish that I were dust!"(An-Naba’ 78:40) 
Oh my dear Sisters in Islam, Day of Distress, the day of the striking hour, the promised day will indeed be upon us one day.

The day when  people will arise from the graves and go to their lord quickly

They will rise up from their graves, anxious, scared, naked, barefooted, upset

The prophet said, the sun will be near with them and the people will not be able to tolerated it.

Even the prophets will enter to the paradise first and they will say nafsi nafsi

All of us will be gather in one place, one piece of land, and different from the world we live in now.
The earth will become another so as the sky

Allah said, oh Muhammad the first of mankind and last of mankind they will all be gather in one place for specific time

Upon the day that Even the youngest child will have grey hair,

The people will not tolerate it anymore and go to Adam and ask to intercede for them  and he will say nafsi nafsi

Each of the prophets will say nafsi nafsi until the prophet Muhammad will intercede for his Ummah

Allah will reminded you everything you did, things you done 10 years ago, last nite ,  and in secret  .

Everyone knows what they did, whats in their book, no one cant deny it
·       And the Book (one's Record) will be placed (in the right hand for a believer in the Oneness of Allâh, and in the left hand for a disbeliever in the Oneness of Allâh), and you will see the Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists, sinners), fearful of that which is (recorded) therein. They will say: "Woe to us! What sort of Book is this that leaves neither a small thing nor a big thing, but has recorded it with numbers!" And they will find all that they did, placed before them, and your Lord treats no one with injustice (18:49)

Everything you did will be recorded, how you behave with your children and in your house, when your with your friends. Allah subahanu wa tala knows the real you and everything you do

Oh my dear sisters, the smallest thing we may have done can be seen as the biggest regret we may have.
The people will say that their book had the most smallest thing which we may have forgotten but Allah the All knower and the All Seer sees everything

Some people will get their book in their right hand and their believers , they will receive easy reckoning
And some people will get their books on the left hand, - he will say i wish i wasn’t given my book
Than there is the scale where everyone deeds will be weigh
Those people who scales are heavy he will have a pleasant life in paradise he the one who prayed, give zakat, fasted and etc
The people of low good deeds will be , there destination is the hellfire.

·      Whoever oppress his brother, seek his forgivness today before its too late because its his right. Whoever you slander or backbite, seek their forgiveness because yamul qiyaam there right will be given to them.
·      Because you have to answer to Allah if you don’t ask for forgiveness  
·        The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked one group of his companions, “Do you know who the bankrupt person is?”
They said, “A bankrupt person amongst us is the one who has neither money nor property.”
The Prophet (pbuh) said, “The bankrupt person of my nation is he who would come on the Day of Resurrection with prayer and fast and giving great amounts in charity. And at the same time, he would come having abused this one, and slandered that one, and consumed the wealth of the other unlawfully, and shed the blood of yet others and having beaten others. Then any person whom he has wronged will be given from his good deeds on that Day. And if his good deeds are exhausted until he clears the account concerning all of the people he has oppressed, the sins of those people whom he has wronged will be thrown unto his account and after that, he will be thrown into the hellfire.” (Muslim)
·       Unfortunately, the person who has the prayers, fasting, zakat, hajjj will be bankrupt and the person they have wronged will take their good deeds and give them their bad deeds.
·     On the day of judgment nothing is hidden , whether it’s big or small

·         Narrated by Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: We, the companions of the Prophet said, "O Allah's Apostle! What is the bridge?' He said, "It is a slippery (bridge) on which there are clamps and (Hooks like) a thorny seed that is wide at one side and narrow at the other and has thorns with bent ends. Such a thorny seed is found in Najd and is called As-Sa'dan. Some of the believers will cross the bridge as quickly as the wink of an eye, some others as quick as lightning, a strong wind, fast horses or she-camels. So some will be safe without any harm; some will be safe after receiving some scratches, and some will fall down into Hell. The last person will cross by being dragged over the bridge." (Sahih Bukhari- Volume 9, Book 93, Number 532)

It is believed by many Muslims today that the as-siraat bridge is extremely thin (thinner than a hair) and also long and very sharp (sharper than a blade). The bridge of as-siraat is a very long and narrow path to heaven, and below it is hell. Everyone has to pass the bridge to go to heaven. Some people will walk over the bridge very slowly, and other people will pass the bridge as fast as lightning. Those who have alot of sins will lose their balance as they walk over the bridge and they will be caught by the hooks on the bridge and fall down into hell.

·         There are seven whom Allah ill shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah's sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but be says: 'I fear Allah', a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears.'

Narrated by Abu Hurairah & collected in Sahih al-Bukhari (english trans.) vol.1, p.356, no.629 & Sahih Muslim english trans.) vol.2, p.493, no.2248

Oh my dear sisters in Islam, This reminder is for myself first and foremost and then to you my beloved sisters.  The day of Judgment will indeed be upon us one day, and are we truly ready. Are we really ready to stand infront of our Lord and for him to be please with us. Are we ready to leave this world and to meet Allah. Truly Allah knows what’s in our heart and our destination.
I ask Allah to forgive of us of our sins and make us successful in this world and the hereafter. To make  things easy upon us and our families. To be among the people who will receive their books in their right hand and to grant us Jannah and be amongst the believers.  Aameen

Women Posting in Internet Discussions

[Q]: Some of the sisters write knowledge-based speech in some of the websites, and they refute some of the writers with regards to their statements. So what is you opinion concerning this?

[A]: I advise every Muslim woman, the Salafee women especially to not delve into this affair. Firstly: Due to what is in it from the wasting of time. Secondly: It exposes her to being the object of ridicule and amusement for the reckless ones and those with diseased hearts. And if she absolutely must do this, then she must suffice with listening to the knowledge-based lessons from those who are known for knowledge, practice of the Religion and excellence. Likewise, there is nothing to prevent her from spreading the statements and fataawaa of the noble Scholars so that her brothers and sisters may benefit from them.

[Q]: What are the general rules for sisters speaking with brothers, or vice-versa on the internet?

[A]: Where were you from our answer?! We advise with the abandonment of this affair! This affair of discussions, mutual exchanges, perceptions and sensations as I have mentioned previously. Secondly, and this is what I add as an answer to your question, I say that many of those who have diseased hearts enter into the programmes of women with the names of women: Umm so and so!! Umm so and so!! Indeed, he names himself with the name of a woman! And their intended purpose is to enjoyment through harming the Muslim women.

Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree
Translated by Maaz Qureshi

Monday, April 2, 2012

Choosing and Having Good Companions

Choosing and having good companions is extremely important for many reasons and from many aspects.
1. Mankind cannot live alone; every individual must live and interact with others, and when interacting with others one either influences or is himself influenced.
2. Those people whom you sit with and make your friends are inevitably going to fall into one of two categories. They will either be good individuals - who guide and encourage you towards what is good and help you to accomplish that which Allaah has ordered, or they are going to be bad - encouraging you to do what is pleasing to Satan, that which misleads you, and leads you to the Hell-Fire.
3. When the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhee wa sallaam was sent with the mission to establish Islam, he did not do it on his own. Rather, Allaah chose for him companions who accompanied him and who carried the Message until it was complete.
These three aspects show the importance of having good companions, companions who are righteous. Such a companion will help you to do what is good and remind you of Allaah, he will enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. These aspects also show the importance of avoiding befriending bad companions, because such a companion will have a bad effect upon you, they help you to do those deeds which are displeasing to Allaah and which lead to the Hell-Fire.
The Prophet sallallaahu `alayhee wa salaam gave a good similitude regarding this. He sallallaahu `alayhee wa sallaam said:"The case of the good companion and the bad companion is like that of the seller of musk and the blower of the bellows (iron-smith). As for the seller of musk, he will either give you some of the musk, or you will purchase some from him, or at least you will come away having experienced its good smell. Whereas the blower of the bellows will either burn your clothing, or at least you will come away having experienced its disgusting smell." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
The Prophet sallallaahu `alayhee wa sallaam explained the matter of good companionship, so that no room is left for doubt or confusion, when he sallallaahu `alayhee wa salaam said: "A person is upon the religion of his close friend, so beware whom you befriend." [Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi]
This means that a person will be upon the same methodology as his friend, the same path as his friend, the same nature, manner and behavior as his friend. So we must be careful whom we befriend. There is an Arabic saying: 'Your companion is what pulls you to something.' So if your companion is good, he will pull you towards that which is good. He will order us with what is good and forbid us from what is evil. If he observes us committing sins he would warn us, if he becomes aware of our shortcomings he would advise us, and if he finds a fault in us he would cover it and not disclose it to others. About this, the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhee wa salaam said:  “…Whoever conceals (the fault of) a Muslim, Allaah will conceal his fault on the day of Judgment.”  [Abu Daawood]
So should you see a fault in your brother, you should wish to remove that fault from him and not expose it to the people. This is what is required by sisterhood and again stresses the importance of choosing friends who are upon the correct way, who are loyal, and who hide your faults whilst ordering you with good and forbidding you from evil, who stand beside you and support you, and co-operate with you upon all that is good.
This principle is important from the standpoint of how the religion is to be established, and from the standpoint of what sisterhood is and what it does. Indeed, the reason that one takes a companion is to help him establish Islam, and to help him worship Allaah.
We find a good example in the Prophet Moosaa alayhi al salam the one whom Allaah chose and spoke to. When Allaah sent him to Pharaoh, he (Moosaa) alayhi al salam said as Allaah informs us saying (what means): "And appoint for me a helper from my family, Haaroon - my brother; increase my strength with him, and let him share my task (of conveying Allaah's Message and Prophethood), that we may glorify You much and remember You much." [Quran; 20: 29-34]
Moosaa alayhi al salam wanted his brother to support him and help him, protect him and accompany him. This is exactly what the believers do for one another. For the thing that binds the believers together and makes them brothers is the bond of faith.
Thus the connection between the believers is based upon faith and sincere sisterhood.
 Beware against taking any companion if such companionship is based upon other than this, for if you were to do that you would then bite your hands in grief. Just as the unjust ones will bite their hands in grief. Allaah Says (what means): "And (remember) the Day when the wrong-doer (oppressor, polytheist etc.) will bite at his hand, he will say:  ‘Oh! Would that I had taken a path with the Messenger. Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a friend! He indeed led me astray from the Reminder (the Quran) after it had come to me….’"[Quran; 25:27]
And Allaah Says (what means): "And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (Allaah), We appoint for him Satan to be a Qareen (intimate companion) to him." [Quran; 43:36]
So all of the physical togetherness that you see around you, which is based upon other than faith will be wiped away on that Day, and it will be a source of misery and torture for them. Allaah Says (what means): “Friends on that Day will be foes (enemy) one to another except the pious."[Quran; 43:67]
So, I ask that Allah forgive us and take on companions that will bring us only good and remove all bad companions that will bring us to evil.  May Allaah purify our hearts, and guide us to the straight path and strengthen the Islamic Sisterhood. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012


By Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn Baaz
Is polygany simply a social issue open for debate? 

[Q]: Some women give preference to the societal norms of Europe or the West in general; or in the un-Islamic lands, saying: “Plural marriage is unlawful.” While we have a legislative ruling permitting polygyny. What is the ruling on leveling this (type of) charge against Islam.
[A]: Whoever hates plural marriage or claims that not having plural marriage is better, then he is a kaafir and an apostate from Islam. This is because he, and we seek refuge with Allaah, is a rejecter of the ruling of Allaah and hates that which Allaah has legislated. Allaah, Glorified be He, says:

ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَرِهُوا مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأَحْبَطَ أَعْمَالَهُمْ
“That is because they hate that which Allaah has sent down (this Qur'aan and Islaamic laws, etc.), so He has made their deeds fruitless.”
[Soorah Muhammad, 47:9]

Whoever dislikes that which Allaah has sent down then his deeds are fruitless. So whoever dislikes plural marriage or holds that the sharee’ah has been oppressive; or that the ruling of Allaah regarding this is deficient or not good; or that that which they do within the lands of the Christians from monogamous marriage is better and more befitting, then all of this constitutes apostasy from Islam, and we seek refuge with Allaah; just as the one who says that the obligation of Salaat is not appropriate. (Saying for example): “If the people where to be left without (having to offer) Salaat, this would be better; or without having to fast, this would be better; or without having to pay Zakaat, this would be better.” Whoever says this, then he is a Kaafir. Likewise, whoever says that not praying is more befitting; or not fasting is more befitting; or not paying Zakaat is more befitting; or not making Hajj is more proper; (whoever says this) then he is a Kaafir. Likewise, if one were to say: “There is nothing wrong with ruling by other than the Sharee’ah; it is permissible.” Even if he says that ruling by the Sharee’ah is better, but he says that ruling by other than that which Allaah has sent down is permissible or it is good, all of this constitutes apostasy from Islam, and we seek refuge with Allaah.

The gist of the matter is, that whoever dislikes that which Allaah has sent down and that which Allaah has legislated then he is an apostate. Likewise, whoever loves or is pleased with that which Allaah has prohibited and says that it is good and that it is appropriate; such as fornication and stealing, then he is a Kaafir as well; and we ask Allaah for safety.
Translated by Raha ibn Donald Batts

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ruling on Wearing a Ring on the Middle and Index Finger

Many Sisters were wondering about the wearing of the rings and what is the ruling on it. For both men and women. So here it is!


What is the Ruling on Wear a Ring on the Index and Middle Fingers for Men and Women? 


As for the men, it is not legislated for them to wear a ring on the index and middle fingers, because of the hadeeth of 'Alee that was recorded by Imaam Muslim that the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) prohibited us for wearing rings on the index and middle fingers. As for the women then the author of 'Awn al-Ma'bood reported from Imaam An-Nawawee that the Muslims agreed upon that, the Sunnah for the men is to wear the ring on the pinky finger and as for the woman she can wear a ring on any of the fingers. 

Shaykh Yahyah Al-Hajooree

Translated by Muhammad Elmi

Three Things That Are Guarantee

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a man who avoids quarrelling even if he were in the right, a house in the middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he were joking, and a house in the upper part of Paradise for a man who made his character good. [Abu-Dawood]  

Whoever treads on a path in search of Islamic knowledge

‎"Whoever treads on a path in search of Islamic knowledge, Allah will ease the way to Paradise for him. The angels will lower their wings, pleased with this seeker of knowledge, and everyone in the heavens and on earth will ask forgiveness for the knowledgeable person, even the fish in the deepest of waters will ask for his forgiveness” [Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi # 2835-sahih hadith] 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

O Stranger Stand Firm

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I urge you to adhere to my Sunnah and the way of the Rightly-Guided Khaleefahs. Adhere to it and bite onto it with your back teeth (i.e., cling firmly to it). And beware of newly-invented matters, for every newly-invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is a going-astray.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, al-Sunnah, 3991)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Shyness that prevents you from speaking the truth is Weakness


My complaint is that a feeling of fear or dread overcomes me when I want to remove an evil or when I want to ask a question to gain knowledge. What is the cure to this condition?


This fear and dread you speak of is from the Shaytan, so be wary of it. Be strong, and dont be shy, for Allaah Almighty is not shy of the truth. Therefore, you should be able to both ask a question to a scholar and prevent someone from doing evil without feeling the least bit of shyness. Shyness that prevents you from speaking the truth is not shyness at all, but only weakness. The shyness that is approved by the Shariah is shyness that prevents you from falsehood and evil. It is the shyness the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) intended when he said: Al-Haya (shyness and modesty)is from faith. [1] Or, when he said: Al-Haya is good - (it is) all that is good. [2] Shyness therefore is legislated when it prevents you from perpetrating fornication, from drinking alcohol, from associating with the enemies of Islam, and from all that is evil. This is the prescribed type of shyness.

[1] Al-Bukhari no. 24 and Muslim 36 [2] Muslim no. 37
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Vol. 8 Page 75

Waving When Giving Salaams

What is the ruling on giving Salaam by waving the hand?

It is not permissible to give Salaam by waving, the Sunnah is to speak when giving and when returning greetings of peace. Waving, on the other hand, is not allowed because it resembles the disbelievers, and it is contrary to what Allaah has legislated. In case that a person is far away and is not able to make the other person hear his greeting, then a Muslim can wave in a manner that indicates his greeting, there is no harm in that since there are reports to support it. Similarly, when one is praying, he can respond to a greeting by signalling with his hands, as is authentically reported in the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam).

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Vol. 8 Page 216

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What Is Salafiyyah?

As Salafiyyah is a connection to the Salaf.  The Salaf are
companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam)
and those who follow them in good from the first three virtuous
generations and then (all those) after them (who follow them and
are upon their way).  This is Salafiyyah.  An affiliation to
Salafiyyah means (that one) affiliates (his/herself) to that which
the companions of the Messenger of Allah  (sallAllaahu ‘alahi
wasallam) were upon and the way of the people of Hadeeth.  The
people of Hadeeth are those who are upon the Salafy
methodology and follow it.  As Salafiyyah is the (proper) belief in
the names and attributes of Allah, the (proper) belief in Qadar
and the (proper) belief in the Sahaabah (companions of the
Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu ‘alahi was sallam) and so on and so

The Salaf believe in Allah and in His beautiful names and exalted
attributes that He (Allah) has described Himself with; and that
which He was described with by His Messenger (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi
wasallam).  They believed in (His names and attributes) in a
manner that befits the majesty of Allah (Subhaanahu wat Ta’ala),
without distorting them, nor resembling them to the creation, nor
negating them nor explaining them with false and erroneous

They believe in Qadar the good and bad of it and that a servant’s
Imaan (faith) is not complete until he believes in the Qadar that
Allah has decreed upon His Servants.  Allah says,
“And verily We created everything with Qadar.”
[Suratul Qamar: 49] 

As far as the (proper belief with regards to the) Sahaabah, this
means the belief that it is incumbent to be pleased with the
companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam)
and that all of them are trustworthy and that they are the best of
the Ummah and the best generation.  The belief that every one of
them is trustworthy, opposes that which is believed by the Shi’ah
and the Khawaarij who considered the companions of the
Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam) to be disbelievers
and did not recognize their rights or the truth (of their noble

Salafiyyah does not have a leader other than the Messenger of
Allah (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam).  The Messenger of Allah
(sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam) is the Imaam of Salafiyyah and the
example (that is to be followed).  The companions of the
Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam) are (also) examples
(to be followed).  The foundation (or source) of this principle
(can be found) in the statement of the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alahi

“The Jews split into seventy one groups.  The Christians
split into seventy two groups.  This Ummah will split into
seventy three groups; all of them will be in the fire except
one.”  They (the Sahaabah) said, “Who are they (that saved
group) O Messenger of Allah?”  He, (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam)
said, “They are the one who are upon the like of what I and
my companions are upon.”
[Hadeeth collected by Imaam Abu Dawood, Imaam Ibn Maajah,
Imaam Ahmad, and Imaam Ad Daaramee.  Graded hassan
saheeh by Imaam Al Albaanee]

And his (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam’s) statement in the hadeeth of
Al ‘Irbaad bin Saariyah  (radi Allahu ‘anhu) who described the
Prophet’s (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam) sermon, and that afterwards
he  (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam) advised them to fear Allah.  He
(sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam) said,
“I advise you to fear Allah and to listen and obey  (the
Muslim ruler), even if an Ethiopian slave was to become
your ruler.”
Then he (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam) ordered that his Sunnah and
the Sunnah of the rightly guided khulafaa (plural of khaleefah) be
followed.  He (sallAllaahu ‘alahi wasallam) said,
“Incumbent upon you is my sunnah and the sunnah of the
rightly guided khulafaa after me, bite (hold) onto  it with
your molar teeth.  And beware of newly invented matters (in
the religion), for verily every newly invented matter (in the
religion) is a bid’ah and every bid’ah is a misguidance.”
[Hadeeth collected by Imaam At Tirmathee, and graded saheeh
by Imaam Al Albaanee]

Author: Sheikh Ahmad bin Yahya An Najmee (may Allah have mercy
on him)
Translator: Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee

A bus driver converts to Islam

Several years ago an Imam moved to London, United Kingdom. He often took the bus from his home to the downtown area. Some weeks after he arrived, he had occasion to ride the same bus. When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him a twenty pence (a.k.a 'tuppence') too much change

As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, you better give the twenty pence back. It would be wrong to keep it. Then he thought, "Oh, forget it, it's only tuppence. Who would worry about this little amount? Anyway the bus company already gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a gift from Allah (swt) and keep quiet.

"When his stop came, the Imam paused momentarily at the door, then he handed the twenty pence back to the driver and said, "Here, you gave me too much change". The driver with a smile, replied,"Aren't you the new Imam in this area?

 I have been thinking lately about going to worship at your Mosque.I just wanted to see what you would do, if I gave you too much change.

"When the Imam, stepped off the bus, his knees became weak and soft, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, and held on for support, and looked up to the heavens and cried: 

"Oh Allah, I almost sold You and Islam for twenty pence!"

What we should take from this story is that as Muslims we are seen as strange but constantly we are being tested with our beautiful religion. The non-Muslims look at us and test us as well to see how Muslims really act. We should strive to humble ourselves and constantly represent Islam in the best way possible that is pleasing to Allah aza wa jal. Demonstrate kindness and peace throughout your journey with a pleasant smile and always remember Allah the All-Seeing sees everything.  

Hadeeth on The last Third of the Night

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The Lord descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the night remains and says: ‘Who will call upon Me, that I may answer Him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will seek My forgiveness, that I may forgive him?’
[Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim]